La Vida Llena (The Full Life)

I wrote this in preparation for a talk I gave at an AAUW meeting in Goshen, Indiana in November 2015. Given that, while I was speaking, I hardly ever looked at what I wrote , the talk was likely nothing like what was on the papers I was holding. At the time, I was looking forward to … Continue reading
Sticky Experiments in Extracting Honey

My bees didn’t make it through the winter. With the warmer weather in the last couple of weeks, I should have seen some activity outside my hive, but it remained eerily quiet. So finally, on a warm day, I opened up the hive. All I saw were dead bees. With sad thoughts, I cleaned out … Continue reading
The Aesthetics of Seed Catalogs

This post originally was published on Goshen Commons on February 9, 2013. Seed catalogs are arriving in my mailbox almost daily now. Some go directly into the recycling. Some go into the basket of magazines and catalogs near the door for perusal at a later time. Some come into the house with me for … Continue reading
The Saga of the License Plate

A few days after we purchased Clare, we went to our local Indiana BMV office to register the car. We found out that we needed to get a new license plate as well, since Brigid’s license plate was for a truck, not a car. Here in Indiana, we have two choices for license plate designs … Continue reading
Going to Burning Man

On our way to Burning Man, Brigid Truck died and St. Christopher Car came into our lives. Here is the story of this part of the adventure. On the Way to Burning Man
Triathlon 2011

Today was a glorious day following a cool night. It was a perfect day to do my second annual self designed triathlon. This is not a timed event. I just do it for the fun of it. Staging Area: Home. Warm Up: Walk to Millrace Trail (0.8 mile) Stage 1: The run (more accurately – … Continue reading
On the Baking of Bread

Ever since learning about no-knead artisan bread making, I have been baking bread – all sorts of bread. I’ve made 100% whole wheat, dense and chewy. I’ve made high-gluten white, with large holes and a nice crust. I’ve added things to my bread: flax and chia seeds, cracked wheat. I’ve made cinnamon raisin bread, kalamata … Continue reading