Monthly Archives: March 2013
The Joys of a Vivid Imagination

This post first appeared on March 9, 2013 on . I won’t grow up, I don’t want to wear a tie. And a serious expression In the middle of July. And if it means I must prepare To shoulder burdens with a worried air, I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up Not me, … Continue reading
The Pleasures of a Life Slowed Down

This post first appeared on on March 2, 2013 “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” ~Gandhi I am in a sling until nearly the middle of April. It is awkward and bulky and I didn’t ask the doctor whether or not I could drive. That is quite all right though – I can … Continue reading
The New, the Interesting and the Unusual (Vegetables, That Is)

This post first appeared on on February 9, 2013. I have culled my seed catalog collection. Now begins the process of carefully going through each one and making my first-round choices of seeds to buy for the spring. I will then make a list and realize that there is no way that everything will be able to fit … Continue reading
The Aesthetics of Seed Catalogs

This post first appeared on on February 9, 2013. Seed catalogs are arriving in my mailbox almost daily now. Some go directly into the recycling. Some go into the basket of magazines and catalogs near the door for perusal at a later time. Some come into the house with me for immediate consideration. What differentiates … Continue reading
From Cheese Sandwiches to 52 Pints of Pickles

This post first appeared on on Feb. 2, 2013 As a teenager, I had decided that I was never going to do traditional household work such as cooking. I was going to be a professional woman and live solely on cheese sandwiches and ice cream. Though Pete still does most of the cooking in our … Continue reading